my mission
While blessed with support during my diagnosis and treatment, I felt adrift in the year that followed. My old life didn't fit the same anymore, and no one could prepared me for the challenges I would face after treatment ended. Scars may fade and hair regrows, but recovering from cancer and learning to manage stress and anxiety was a much longer process. As a survivorship coach, I've made it my mission to fill that gap, and be a beacon of light, hope and clarity for others as they find their footing.

My love for coaching
In my previous professional life I was as an event planner and an office manager. I spent 3 years helping to plan and produce workshops and conferences at Omega Institute, then went on to manage a thriving wellness center in Woodstock, NY for 6 years. In both roles, I learned about many different healing modalities and wisdom traditions. As an event planner, I directly supported many spiritual leaders, healers, well known authors, activists, artists and actors. I also learned I had a knack for multitasking, team management and loved details! But my heart called for something more...
I signed up for a complete coach training program, and knew instantly after the first class that this was my heart path. Exactly 3 weeks later, I was diagnosed with breast cancer. Life came to a screeching halt for a year as I healed from multiple surgeries and sought treatment. As soon as I was able, I completed my coach training through the internationally recognized Coaches Training Institute in the summer of 2015.
My coaching style is grounded, loving and supportive, with an edge of directness and humor. Using intuition, metaphor and visual thinking, I can articulate the bigger picture that is hard to see when a client is overwhelmed or mired in self-doubt. With supported inquiry, body centered improvisational games and EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique “tapping”) in my tool kit, I'm able to help clients reduce stress, see through limiting beliefs and access greater clarity, energy and balance.
I have served as a life coach at the Omega Institute, Woodstock Healing Arts and work with clients in person in the beautiful and historic uptown Kingston area. I also work remotely via phone and video calls. I have hosted cancer support groups through the Health Alliance Oncology Support Program and Breast Cancer Options, and have been a guest speaker in events hosted by the Young Survival Coalition and the Flat Retreat Community. ​
I live in the beautiful Hudson Valley, NY area with my young son and talented musician husband. I derive inspiration and energy from my garden, hiking, poetry, art, music, friends and family, and by connecting with source, God, universal love, whatever name you choose. In my spare time, I write, paint and donate my time mentoring other cancer survivors. I blogged intimately about my experience of healing from breast cancer and have shared my stories with large audiences at Story Slam events, in Conquer Magazine and as a guest blogger for the Young Survival Coalition. Visit to check out my survivorship blog.
What is Co-Active Coaching?
Co-Active Coaching is a method taught by CTI, the Coaches Training Institute. Co-Active Coaching brings you deeper into the experience of who you are and is rooted in the belief that no matter where you are in life, that every person is naturally creative, resourceful and whole. Starting with a body centered awareness of how feelings, perspectives and beliefs live in the body, the Co-Active coach uses powerful questions, movement & intuition to call up the wisdom of your Higher Self or Inner Leader. The “co” in co-active is all about "who am I being, what values am I honoring?" and from there you get to choose how this will inform your actions.
How can coaching help?
In our sessions I'll hold a door open for you to find out what it is you really want, and how to get there. Think of coaching as a way of taking you deeper into the experience of being uniquely you. I can help you connect to your life purpose by bringing your values to light. In our work together, I can help you alleviate stress, clarify priorities and goals, learn time management strategies, acknowledge your strengths and gifts, and create accountability in accomplishing your goals. ​
How often will we meet and how long will we work together?
Coaching takes place over time. How long we work together depends on your goals and what you hope to accomplish. Coaching is an investment in you. I typically meet with clients every other week, and suggest that we work together for 3 months, and then we will reevaluate. Every person and situation is unique, and we will tailor a schedule to meet your needs.
How is Coaching different than Therapy?
​Coaching is more forward leaning, looking at where you are now and clarifying values, priorities and creating actionable goals to help you create a balanced and fulfilled life. Therapy is better suited for processing the difficulties that arise from the past. If you are in a place of acute trauma, needing to heal pain, dysfunction and conflict, you would be better served by a therapist or counselor. If you are looking to deepen your satisfaction in life, want to achieve specific goals, and are committed to taking responsibility for your choices and actions, then coaching is likely a good fit for you.
What is expected of me?
We work collaboratively in a co-active partnership. Remember that you are the expert in the living of Your Life. Your job is to show up or call at the appointed time, to come with openness and be willing to stretch and grow in areas where you might previously have felt constricted or self-critical. Your job is to be fully present to the conversation, free of distractions and willing to put the energy into your session. The more fully present and accountable you are, the more you will get out of your coaching experience.

ACC Certification through ICF March 2018
(CTI) The Coaches Training Institute -International Coach Federation Accredited Coach Training Program, 2015
EFT Training Level 1 & 2 -2016
Over 1000 hours in private and group coaching sessions.
Certified Holistic Cancer Coach